kindergarten child smiling
5–6 years old

The Kindergarten Classroom

A strong kindergarten experience helps prepare your child for success in future classrooms and beyond.

In our Kindergarten program, your child continues to build and expand on critical skills, including literacy and math. Primrose® introduces and reinforces new information through playful exploration, teacher-guided inquiry and rich discussion as they help foster Active Minds, Healthy Bodies, and Happy Hearts®.

teacher speaking with child
teacher speaking with child

Personalized Care and Instruction

Your kindergartener is ready to engage in more sustained learning experiences, and their teacher helps them explore new ways to tackle problems, overcome challenges through persistence and engage in trial-and-error. Their teacher also pays close attention to your child’s development and personalizes learning experiences to meet their individual strengths and opportunities.

We Would Love to Meet Your Family

Contact us to schedule a tour.
kindergarten child smilingkindergarten child drinking milkkindergarten students completing classworkkindergarten child playing outside holding a ballkindergarten child smilingworksheet with child completing questionskindergarten child smilingkindergarten child drinking milkkindergarten students completing classworkkindergarten child playing outside holding a ballkindergarten child smilingworksheet with child completing questions