pre-k student doing a stem project

Our Pre-Kindergarten Classroom

Primrose® introduces and reinforces new information through playful exploration, teacher-guided inquiry and rich discussion as they help foster Active Minds, Healthy Bodies, and Happy Hearts®. Your child will have fun every day as they play and learn important academic skills, social skills and more, because when they are mentally, physically and emotionally ready to learn a skill, they develop mastery.

Nurturing Active Minds, Healthy Bodies, and Happy Hearts

young child creating art in class

Active Minds

In our Pre-Kindergarten program, your child begins to develop early reading, writing, science, technology, engineering and math skills through the right mix of whole-group, small-group and individual instruction.
  • Language & Literacy
    Language & Literacy

    The early years of your child’s life are the most important for literacy development. Your child is immersed in many rich literacy activities each day to support their emerging early literacy skills. 

  • Science, Engineering & Technology
    Science, Engineering & Technology

    Children are natural scientists and engineers. They turn their environment upside down trying to discover how objects work! Teachers extend this learning by engaging your child in meaningful questioning and discussion. Your pre-kindergartener also uses scientific tools to observe, explore, record, ask questions and form and test hypotheses. 

  • Mathematics

    Your child is comparing and sorting objects, recognizing quantities without counting (subitizing), and identifying, extending and creating patterns as they prepare for math operations like addition, division and even algebra.

  • Social Studies
    Social Studies

    In the pre-kindergarten classroom, your child will also practice taking turns, self-control, cooperation and negotiation skills. Your child learns about respect, kindness, and generosity and how important these traits are when working with others. 

primrose student playing in slide

Healthy Bodies

Young children don’t develop healthy habits overnight. That’s why teachers use our Balanced Learning® curriculum to reinforce health and wellness through daily classroom experiences all year long.
  • Thumbs Up!: Physical Development
    Thumbs Up!: Physical Development

    Active children are more likely to become active adults. Through a wide range of indoor and outdoor games, free-play, and activities, your child develops both small motor and large motor skills. 

  • Health & Safety
  • Balanced Menus: Nutrition
    Balanced Menus: Nutrition

    Lunch is more than a tasty, nutritious meal. It’s an opportunity for your child to become more independent as they practice serving themselves and cleaning up after meals. Their teachers monitor eating and talk to the children about the nutritional value and health benefits of the food items they are enjoying.

pre-k students playing instruments

Happy Hearts

During your child’s first five years, their brain develops more rapidly than at any other time in life. Nurturing the development of compassion, independence and resilience during these years is just as crucial as setting the stage for reading and math.
  • Character Development & Life Skills
    Character Development & Life Skills

    We believe who children become is as important as what they know. That’s why Pre-Kindergarten teachers use books, music, activities and more to help your child understand concepts like sharing, kindness and generosity.

  • Social Skills
    Social Skills

    Primrose school teachers use the Rules of the Roost, Primrose Friends puppets and more to help your pre-kindergartener learn to be kind to themselves and each other, take care of the classroom materials and be respectful to others.

  • Early Art Masters: Creative Arts & Expression
    Early Art Masters: Creative Arts & Expression

    Visual and creative arts stimulate your child’s imagination and critical-thinking skills, which help in other areas of learning and development. Music is a universal language made up of patterns, fractions and sequences, and teachers use it to reinforce mathematical and reading concepts.   

Our Pre-Kindergarten Classroom Teachers & Staff

Ms. Marisa
Ms. Marisa
Pre-Kindergarten Teacher

I’m Ms. Marisa and I wanted to tell you a little about myself.

I was born & raised in Salinas, California and lived there until 2017, when I moved to Sacramento to attend CSU, Sacramento.  I graduated in 2019 with a Bachelor’s of Science in Psychology.  I have worked with children in various settings such as Registered Behavioral Therapist to Early Intervention with children on the Autism spectrum, and a mental health specialist.  Myself, along with my boyfriend & two furbabies moved to Texas in December 2024 and are loving the state so far!

I can’t wait to learn more about you and your family.


Child Care/Teaching Experience: 4 years

Education: Bachelor’s of Science – Psychology from California State University, Sacramento

Favorite Thing About Working with Children: Seeing their imaginations at work & how proud they are when they accomplish things by themselves

Favorite Children’s Book: Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown

Favorite Holiday: Halloween

Other Significant Cultural Celebrations in Your Home: Christmas

Favorite Family Tradition: Football Sundays in our pj’s! Go Cowboys!

Languages Spoken in the Home: English

Pets in the Home (Name and Type of Animal): Simba, 4 years old (blue now pitbull) & Nala, 9 years old (pitbull/boxer mix)

In My Personal Time, I Like To: Spend time with my family, play with my dogs, go to church, bake & read

Ms. Naima
Ms. Naima
Pre-Kindergarten Teacher

I’m Ms. Naima and I wanted to tell you a little about myself.

I am a happy, positive person and I absolutely adore children. I enjoy working as part of a team.  I have several years of early childhood education experience, and I have been part of the Primrose School of Prestonwood family since October 2021.

I can’t wait to learn more about you and your family.


Child Care/Teaching Experience: 13 years

Education: Bachelors Degree in Arts & Humanities

Favorite Thing About Working with Children: Watching them grow and develop new cognitive & motor skills

Favorite Children’s Book: The Little Red Hen by Paul Galdon

Favorite Holiday: ALL holidays

Other Significant Cultural Celebrations in Your Home:

Favorite Family Tradition: Tea time treats

Languages Spoken in the Home: French, Arabic & English

Pets in the Home (Name and Type of Animal):

In My Personal Time, I Like To: Travel to discover new places

Our family would love to meet yours.

Contact us to schedule a tour.
pre-k class creating an art projectchild enjoying circle time with classchild and teacher painting in classprimrose student playing with playdou with teacherstudent and teacher hugginglittle girl playing on playgroundpre-k class creating an art projectchild enjoying circle time with classchild and teacher painting in classprimrose student playing with playdou with teacherstudent and teacher hugginglittle girl playing on playground