little girl playing dress up at primrose

Our Preschool Pathways Classroom

Our Preschool Pathways program provides a “bridge” between our Early Preschool and Preschool classrooms for children whose birthdays will ultimately miss the cutoff date for kindergarten entrance. By identifying those children early, we can help them stay with a consistent group of peers through preschool, pre-K and kindergarten. 

Nurturing Active Minds, Healthy Bodies, and Happy Hearts®

child learning doing a water activity

Active Minds

Learning is exciting. It’s a chance to unleash curiosity and discover new things. Our Balanced Learning® approach is designed to tap into children's natural desire to learn by combining purposeful play and nurturing guidance from teachers.
  • Language & Literacy
    Language & Literacy

    Throughout each day in Preschool Pathways, your child builds vocabulary while engaging in meaningful discussions and conversations with adults and peers. You may notice your child using new vocabulary words learned during read-alouds, hands-on explorations and daily literacy experiences.

  • Science, Engineering & Technology
    Science, Engineering & Technology

    Your child is a natural scientist with a curiosity that knows no bounds. Every day, teachers will nurture that curiosity by encouraging questions and guiding your child as they investigate and make new discoveries about the world.

  • Mathematics

    ​Your child explores mathematical and spatial concepts like comparing and sorting objects, building block structures and creating patterns. We help extend this learning into your home by sharing engaging math activities with you that showcase what your child is learning at school. 

  • Social Studies
    Social Studies

    Primrose Friends puppets reinforce specific character traits through age-appropriate discussions, story-telling and role-playing. Your child is learning about the people in their immediate surroundings and how to interact kindly with others.

Healthy Bodies

Through physical activity, nutrition and a clean environment, we help young children develop healthy habits that can last a lifetime.
  • Thumbs Up!: Physical Development
    Thumbs Up!: Physical Development

    Active children are more likely to become active adults. Every day your child will strengthen gross motor muscles by sliding, climbing, jumping and running freely and safely on age-appropriate playgrounds.

  • Health & Safety 
  • Balanced Menus: Nutrition
    Balanced Menus: Nutrition

    When your child has lunch and snacks with their friends and teachers, it’s an opportunity for more than eating tasty, nutritious food. Teachers talk about the foods they are enjoying and why nutrition is important, and seeing their friends eating a new food makes it more likely that your child will give it a try!

Happy Hearts

Primrose school teachers weave character development and life skills opportunities in throughout every day so children can develop important social skills — like sharing, cooperation and making decisions.
  • Character Development & Life Skills
    Character Development & Life Skills

     We believe who children become is as important as what they know. That’s why Preschool Pathways teachers use books, music, activities and more to help your child understand concepts like sharing, kindness and generosity.

  • Social Skills
    Social Skills

    The Primrose Rules of the Roost help teachers create a positive, joyful classroom environment. These essential rules help your child practice kindness, take care of the classroom materials and be respectful to each person they meet.

  • Early Art Masters: Creative Arts & Expression
    Early Art Masters: Creative Arts & Expression

    Visual and creative arts stimulate your child’s imagination and critical-thinking skills, which help in other areas of learning and development. Music is a universal language made up of patterns, fractions and sequences and teachers use it to reinforce mathematical and reading concepts.

Our Preschool Pathways Classroom Teachers & Staff

Ms. Rhythma
Ms. Rhythma
Preschool Pathway Teacher

Child Care/Teaching Experience: Volunteering in preschool with considerable experience.

Education: Bachelors of Engineering specialized in electronics and telecommunication

Favorite Thing About Working with Children: Building a strong bond with the kids and each day is an adventure.

Favorite Children’s Book: The Tale of Peter Rabbit

Favorite Vacation spot: Switzerland

Favorite Family Tradition: Taking blessings from elders by touching their feet

In My Personal Time, I Like To: read thriller books by “Sidney Sheldon”

Ms. Komal
Ms. Komal
Preschool Pathways Teacher

Child Care/Teaching Experience:9 years

Education: Masters of Computer Science

Favorite Thing About Working with Children: Their love and attitude! It motivates me to do my best!

Favorite Children’s Book: Panchatantra

Favorite Vacation: India

Favorite Family Tradition: All Indian customs

In My Personal Time, I Like To: travel, shop, crafts, cooking

See What Families Are Saying

My children have a strong sense of belonging at Primrose. This year, my son has had two exceptional teachers, Ms. Shelby and Ms. Rachel, who have helped him learn to manage his own emotions and be a positive member of his community. They have built such a warm and loving culture in his classroom, which is evident even in just a few minutes at drop off and pickup. My son hugs all his friends good-bye, and when someone is sad at drop off, multiple children come with a real suggestion to help engage the sad child in play and begin their day. It warms my heart every day.

See What Families Are Saying

My children have a strong sense of belonging at Primrose. This year, my son has had two exceptional teachers, Ms. Shelby and Ms. Rachel, who have helped him learn to manage his own emotions and be a positive member of his community. They have built such a warm and loving culture in his classroom, which is evident even in just a few minutes at drop off and pickup. My son hugs all his friends good-bye, and when someone is sad at drop off, multiple children come with a real suggestion to help engage the sad child in play and begin their day. It warms my heart every day.
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preschooler playing on jungle gymprimrose preschooler walking to classyoung preschoolers playing on the playgroundpreschool child smilingteacher guiding children in playpreschoolers doing an art projectpreschooler playing on jungle gymprimrose preschooler walking to classyoung preschoolers playing on the playgroundpreschool child smilingteacher guiding children in playpreschoolers doing an art project