young boy sharing with classmates

Our Transitional Kindergarten Classroom

Our Transitional Kindergarten program is designed to support your child’s academic, physical, social and emotional development as we help prepare them for kindergarten and beyond.

Nurturing Active Minds, Healthy Bodies, and Happy Hearts®

teacher guiding children in math exercise

Active Minds

Our Balanced Learning® approach combines whole-group, small-group and one-on-one instruction to help your child develop important skills like reading, writing, technology, engineering and math.
  • Language & Literacy
    Language & Literacy

    Through authentic literacy experiences, your child engages their imagination, strengthens reading comprehension skills and enjoys both fiction and nonfiction books. In Writer’s Workshop, they build their identity as a writer as they share their ideas with others and express creativity.

  • Science, Engineering & Technology
    Science, Engineering & Technology

    Your child explores the design thinking process as they ask questions, engage in project-based learning experiences and think critically and creatively to solve real-world problems.

  • Mathematics

    Teachers use whole-group and small-group instruction to introduce number recognition, counting, geometry, measuring and patterning. Your child also learns reasoning and problem-solving strategies that extend learning beyond traditional math concepts.

  • Social Studies
    Social Studies

    Your child learns to appreciate the importance of belongingness as they explore common interests and unique traits within their classroom community and the communities beyond their school. Your child also joins in Primrose PromiseSM Giving Events to practice giving without expectation.

little boy playing on firetruck playground

Healthy Bodies

It takes time and consistency to nurture healthy habits, so our teachers make health and wellness part of every day all year long. This includes physical activity, healthy habits like handwashing, and nutrition.
  • Thumbs Up!: Physical Development
    Thumbs Up!: Physical Development

    Your child enjoys strengthening gross motor muscles by jumping, climbing, sliding and running freely and safely on our age-appropriate playgrounds every day. Our Thumbs Up! lessons also support your child in strengthening skills such as coordination, balance, throwing and kicking.

  • Health & Safety
    Health & Safety

    Our school is committed to high standards of safety and cleanliness as we create a caring and nurturing environment where children can thrive.

    • Requiring any children or staff with respiratory illness symptoms or fever to return home and stay home until fever free for at least 24 hours
    • Frequent disinfecting and sanitizing of high-touch toys
    • Frequent handwashing by children and staff, which is embedded in our curriculum and daily staff protocols
    • Training teachers on common signs of illness in children and placing signage in every classroom to keep signs of illness top of mind
    • Individual cots and blankets are provided for each child and laundered weekly
    • Ensuring appropriate teacher-student classroom ratios
    • Continuous health & safety training for our staff, including first aid and CPR certification
    • Maintaining an up-to-date and customized Safe School Plan posted in all classrooms for easy teacher access
  • Balanced Menus: Nutrition
    Balanced Menus: Nutrition

    Our meals and snacks provide more than tasty opportunities for healthy eating. They also help your child learn about nutrition and practice independence by serving themselves and cleaning up.

happy children during transitional kindergarten circle time

Happy Hearts

As part of our Balanced Learning approach, teachers use music, activities and literature to intentionally embed the character traits children learn about into each day. Your child strengthens their social and emotional skills as they learn to cooperate, express their feelings, and model responsibility.
  • Character Development & Life Skills
    Character Development & Life Skills

    Through modeling and practice, your child develops traits like responsibility, cooperation and compassion. They also set goals, celebrate both their efforts and persistence, and reflect on their growth, which helps them feel proud and confident.

  • Social Skills
    Social Skills

    Your child celebrates their own uniqueness and appreciates what makes others special as they develop strong friendships.

  • Creative Arts & Expression
    Creative Arts & Expression

    Your young artist explores many art forms, including painting, music and drama. They also study and practice techniques of master artists, contemporary artists and children’s book illustrators while creating their own art pieces.

Our family would love to meet yours.

Contact us to schedule a tour.
primrose child readingtransitional kindergarten class playingchildren enjoying circle timeprimrose student learning to writeart project in the transitional kindergarten classroomprimrose student playing on the playgroudprimrose child readingtransitional kindergarten class playingchildren enjoying circle timeprimrose student learning to writeart project in the transitional kindergarten classroomprimrose student playing on the playgroud